Soul Contract Reading
This decodes the Spiritual Map of Life so you can align with and manifest your Soul Destiny/Life Purpose, and follow your Spiritual Signature (your natural flow) with each breath and each step. It is an accurate, in depth, channelled, ancient system of spiritual interpretation that decodes the secrets of the blueprint of your life hidden within your birth name using the sound vibrations of 22 letters of the ancient Hebrew alphabet.
It illuminates your physical and spiritual:
Karmic patterns
Talents to overcome them
Goals you are here to achieve
Soul Destiny/Life Purpose and
Provides specific recommendations on how work through all these different aspects to manifest your Soul Destiny/Life Purpose.
Book a Soul Contract Birth Reading
A birth name only reading reveals your core birth name interpretations that started your life
All sessions are online via Zoom and consist of 1 hour of presentation to you. Sessions are recorded so you can listen to them again multiple times, when it feels right, to receive a deeper layer of the transmission each time.
Please note: 48 hours notice is required for postponement or cancellation of a booked session otherwise the full fee is due.