The Alchemical Light Center
uncover the secret of your soul
Dorota Aamirah
About me: My awakening journey began many years ago with the autism diagnosis of my son. Unbeknownst to me, in the process of helping him I discovered my true purpose.
I’m here to assist you in your healing process and help you reconnect with your Higher Self.
Soul Contract Readings including Name Optimizations and Business Names, Lightbody Integration, Divine Healing, Energy Kinesiology and LEAP Brain Integration.
Specialty: PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Stroke, Foggy Brain, Learning Difficulties, Autism
Assistance and guidance with ascension and finding your true purpose, clearing ancestral programs.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
Lao Tzu
Lightbody Integration
It takes an enormous amount of energy to become unconscious and forget that we are All That Is. This illusion is partially created by etheric structures, devices and programming in our energy fields. The Lightbody Integration work removes these structures and integrates the Higher Light of our Spirit with Grace and Ease.